Molecular Biochemical Materials


Molecular Biochemical Materials

For every step in your journey to discovery, there are Arjang Tajhiz Azma solutions to take you further, ‎faster. Cell, protein, and molecular biology technologies range from Lipofectamine reagents, TOPO ‎cloning kits, Super Script and Platinum enzymes, to western blotting technologies, antibodies, and the ‎Gene Art Gene Synthesis service. They’re all designed to help ensure that the time you invest in your ‎research is efficient and is rewarded with the reliable results you’re counting on.‎

  • Antibodies
  • Cellular Analysis
  • Cloning
  • Custom DNA Oligos
  • DNA & RNA Purification & Analysis
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Mammalian, Primary, Neuronal Cell Culture
  • Cell Culture Plastics
  • Organoids, Spheroids & 3D Cell Culture
  • Transfection